We have featured Jeff Brewster many, many times here on BeautifulMag’s digital pages. But it has been quite some time since we brought you news from this most skilled photographer from Texas, Unites States. The reason for this is simple. Even though Jeff never stopped shooting, he did put a hold on sharing his work with the rest of the world. He went, so to say, in retirement. Fortunately for us and Jeff’s many fans, that is all about to come to an end.
For those who tuned in after the last time we featured Jeff Brewster: Jeff originates from Texas the second-largest state in the USA. He specializes in model photography and wildlife and has combined those on numerous occasions. His work characterizes itself by its simplicity. Handsome young men in simple surroundings, either dreamlike and sensual as lost in their own thoughts, or focused and seemingly unaware of Jeff’s always present camera. But aside from that there are two other elements that make Jeff stand out from the mass. Most of his models are local guys, inexperienced and virgin to the camera. And in that context Jeff truly is a star maker. And the other thing is his technique.
Jeff Brewster is a huge fan of traditional photography. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing traditional about Jeff, but he is a strong believer of craftsmanship when it comes to photography. Thankful for the invention of digital photography – after all it is more cost efficient and easier to do – Jeff is an old school photographer who loves to shoot natural. Meaning, no artificial light, no strobes, no Photoshop. In fact, even though he does use digital, he still delivers his work in print. In that context Jeff will be launching his new website later this year. Natural men in their natural form, placed in natural light. No Photoshop, editing, cropping or manipulation. Just him, the model and Mother Nature. Jeff Brewster has returned from his semi-retirement and is ready to show the world
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